Why Hatched is Needed?

Did you know that online dating and dating apps are the number one way American couples meet today? Did you also know that swipe-based-dating-app (SBDA) users are 2.5x more likely to suffer from depression and psychological distress? SBDA have become a necessary evil in our lives and Hatch is on a mission to change how they work, forever, keeping mental health & user safety at the forefront and changing the criteria for how potential couples match.

Studies show that personality, attitdude, lifestyle and core value similarities amongst partners result in far more compatible & successful relationships than the alternative which is why Hatch utilizes personality similarities, not pictures, to create matches. Hatch knows You're More Than a Picture and we're here to help you prove it.

How Hatched Works

It's simple. Hatched makes personality similarities the main drivers for matchmaking. Hatched works as follows:

1. Get paired with another Egg
2. Swipe to receive professionally-generated personality/core-value question
3. Answer question
4. Hatch!
5. Repeat
6. 4 similarities = 1 hatched match!